Sunday, September 10, 2006

Bag Fight

Tumi T3 owners are usually well traveled individuals... who don't check bags. In Boston's Logan airport on Monday night last week, a scene ensued over the first T3 bag off the belt. A woman intercepted the first T3 to appear and walked off with it assuming it was hers. Three other T3 owners who also believed the bag was theirs launched off after her, stopped her and literally ripped into the hidden ID pocket. Fortunately it was mine.

Two lessons here: 1) Time for a large unique luggage tag so no one will unthinkingly grab my bag again, and 2) Time for me to stop checking my bag. I'm opting for #2. Now if I could just find some powdered toothpaste...

It is time for a new bag. I'm wedging the "balancing bar" behind the broken metal tab to keep it from flopping around and it's a challenge now for me to get the bar flipped up again when I need to use it... Laurence?! I'm ready to test (and blog) the LXT! (Which I happily note doesn't have a balancing bar!)
